Saturday, February 1, 2014

Changes are coming!

The past two weeks have been pretty crazy to say the least. It all started when we went to an Admirals hockey game and had to leave early because Jaxson wouldn't stop crying. We got him home and throw up every where. It was sooo gross. He was sick for a few days after and then just congestion. Of course I caught the cold part of it. So two weeks worth of sickness means no working out. I've just been so tired and my stomach was always feeling a little queasy...

So that brings up to two days ago.. My period was two days late! OH.. MY.. GOSH.. Now normally I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it but for the past two weeks I have been over emotional, my breasts have been tender, and I've been feeling some nausea. We decided to buy a test. Now the day we decided to test was a hectic day. The pipes in our upstairs bathroom decided they were going to freeze. After running around like chickens with our heads cut off, I was finally able to test.

The look of shock on my face and I felt in my body is indescribable. I ran upstairs to Justin to him screaming something. When I was finally able to hear him he was saying, "I got one line!" So naturally I yelled back, "I got two!" He poked his head out of the bathroom and said what?! I repeated myself and he almost fainted.

This was our last month of trying before he would leave for six months of off and on training. To say we are excited is an understatement!

So where does this bring me and my fitness? I plan on doing Crossfit Mom instead of regular Crossfit. They take Crossfit exercises but it is easy and safe for pregnant woman to do! Now that I do have pea pod growing, my main focus is just stay healthy. I'll be posting my workouts as I do them and exactly how I felt after (which I'm sure it will be close to passing out!!). I can't wait to use my chalkboard to document this all!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I've only worked out once this week. I feel like a complete failure..

I've been having a pain in my right thumb and Justin can't seem to figure out what is wrong with it. When I went to do a workout on Friday, I couldn't handle it. It had 30s worth of handstand holds for 10 rounds and I could barely do 10s. I got so discouraged I just came back into the house.

I could have worked out today but Jaxson got sick last night and wouldn't let me put him down. I couldn't even use the bathroom without him screaming!

There is always next week.. right?!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Total Domination!

Despite a dog laying in my planking area and a toddler grabbing my legs or handing me toys every five minutes, I was able to dominate this workout!
AMRAP 20 min
20 squats
30sec plank
Here is my happy face :)
I really am proud of my self. I was able to complete eight, YES EIGHT! rounds. I held eight planks for 30 seconds straight each time. That truly is a record for me, and it was hard. My body was shaking each time I held on for dear life. I felt like my back was breaking and just when I decided that I had enough, Justin decided he was going to stick our 27lb toddler on my back... but I held on and completed my last 30 second plank.
Never give up. Always push yourself to do your best. Have faith.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why the name?!

I love kettlebells! They are simply one of the most used pieces of equipment in my home gym. There are so many exercises that can be done with them. One of my favorites is a windmill. It is so great for those love handles!

To do a windmill:

Step 1: Stand up and position your kettlebell in front. Clean and press the kettlebell. You will want to rotate your wrist as you perform this movement so that your palm faces forward.

Step 2: While keeping your kettlebell in a locked position, push your butt out in the same direction as your arm holding the kettlebell. Turn your feet out at a 45 degree angle from the arm that is locked with the kettlebell. Bend your hip to one side and stick your butt out. Lean down and trace the inside of your leg all the way to your ankle. Keep your eye on the kettlebell at all times. This is not a fast movement.

Step 3: Pause for a second after you reach the ground and reverse the motion until you are back to your starting position.

Do a few sets of these and your sides will be loving you!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let's get this started!!

Hi! My name is Samantha. I am a proud Navy wife to an incredible husband and a mommy to Jaxson, our 19 month old! I wish I could say that the daily running around is keeping me in shape, but it's not. I've done this weight loss thing once before and here is to hoping I can do it again. I guess I should start from the beginning...

My journey began in March of 2011. Justin was due for his re-enlistment and I wanted to look my best. I had this grey dress that I paired with a belt and black leggings. I thought I looked hot! About a week later my mom and aunt came to see me on my 25th birthday. We went to a Hibachi restaurant and spent the day together. I wore the same outfit I had worn to Justin's re-enlistment. Again I thought I looked great. Later that night, I loaded the pictures from the past several weeks. I was mortified by what I saw. I was BIG. I thought I looked like a dumpling in the clothes I wore. My hair was unhealthy looking and so was my skin. I hopped on the scale and was shocked to see 222.  I knew right then that I needed to do something.

In April I changed my life. I signed up for Crossfit and started to eat Paleo. With hard work and dedication I lost over 30lbs! I didn't realize until then what all that weight was doing to my 5'4 frame. I felt lighter, my heartburn went away without medication, and I felt happier. My skin was glowing and my hair glossier.

In October of 2011 I found out I was pregnant with Jaxson. I gained back almost every pound. Now I have the chance to do it again! With a home gym in my garage and healthy eating habits already in my mind, I am ready to be healthy again. As of right now I weigh 216lbs. I'm not happy with the way I look but I think it is important to share so people know that I am serious and ready to do this!

Here is what I look like now:

My goal isn't anything too big. I just want to look healthy... and maybe 150lbs :)